Ferreira dos Santos Marco Túlio

Lawyer at Ferreira Santos Advogados and teacher at CESUC Law University.

Postgraduated in criminal laws.

Area of competence: Criminal Laws and Criminology.

I have been a lawyer for about 5 years. It has been and incredible opportunity with lots of unique experiences. Based on what I have been seing on brasilian justice, I am sure that, as others countrys all over the world, we definetely need to approach the judicial subject in a cientific way, so we can outcome the actual fake pattern of “justice” that has been presented to lay people. By acting the way governament (global) have been acting, the feeling of insecurity has increased. Cientific criminal knowleg should be the properly tool to combate these wrong behaviours and belives. It is, as it has never been before, imperious that the phenomenon of crime is properly comprehended. This is, from my perspective, an inevitable subjetc that I have been contribuing both as a lawyer and as a law teacher.

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